October Empties 2018 – Taking out the trash 19

This blogpost contains *PR-Samples and affiliate links. Please read disclaimer.

The drama with the You Tube thumbnail…

I swear taking the thumbnail takes me longer than filming the actual video itself! Especially now that I´ve learned that thumbnails with faces have a higher CTR than the ones showing products only.

October Empties 2018
Literally seconds before things fell out.


CTR, for those of you wondering, means click-through-rate and stands for the number of people that click on the video after seeing the thumbnail.

I am not sure why my face would help in selling a video, but I do know for sure that it takes me ages to take a picture that doesn´t look like I am a complete moron grinning into a camera.

Maybe it is the fact that I do take the picture while holding up a basket full of empty bottles.

I guess it is kind of hard to look sane when doing that.

I promise though that I do make sense in the video behind the thumbnail, talking you through my recent empties.

There is a mixture of skincare (very serum heavy this month), a few makeup bits (I am so proud of myself here!) and a little bit of haircare thrown in for good measure.

As always I have listed the products underneath and linked to my original review if you want some more in depth information.


Products mentioned

klairs freshly juiced vitamin drops* (Review)
Odacité Bl+C (Review)
Flora Mare Skin Energizer* (Review)
Dr. Dennis Gross Ferulic Acid + Retinol Brightening Solution (Review)
Fotoptotector ISDIN Fusion Water
Sephora MicroSmooth Baked Face Compact (Review)
Sephora Rouge Infusion Lip Stain
Make Up For Ever Smoky Lash Mascara (Review)
Batiste Dry Shampoo
Klorane Dry Shampoo


A fun fact before we part: I am not 100 % happy with the picture I got there. But it was the best I managed before everything spilled out of the bag and crashed to the floor, leaving a huge mess.

I told you, taking a decent thumbnail is an adventure in itself.


October Empties 2018
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